Bachelor of Computer Application - Businesses today are integrated with Information Technology and to build systems of today’s generation, there is a great demand of programmers, software engineers, web developers, system administrators, network support & security engineers etc. One can become computer professional by pursuing Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) course. It comprises of the subjects like database, networking, data structure, core programming languages like ‘C’ and ‘java’.
The department strives and provides industry ready professionals by arranging various platforms for interaction with the industry experts. Students are encouraged to have hands on experience in live projects and to actively participate in extracurricular events. Students are exposed to activities in various dimensions like Personality Development, Basic Mathematics & Logical building, Core computing technologies, project exhibition, exhibit creative ideas, quiz, technical events and inter-collegiate competition which paves for the overall development of student personality.

Eligibility: 10+2/Two years pre-university course of Karnataka state or its equivalent. (Commerce students with mathematics as a subject in their +2 level can apply for the BCA course).
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Scheme: Choice based credit system
Medium of instruction: English
Course matrix: As prescribed by Bangalore University